The Skinny on pH

Do you know what pH stands for or why the pH level is  important in skin care products? Here is a quick explanation to help you be an informed, savvy skin care shopper.

Those two little letters, pH, stands for “potential of hydrogen” and reflects the number of hydrogen ions in a particular solution. More hydrogen ions make a solution more acidic. Fewer hydrogen ions create an alkaline solution. The scale for pH level is 0 – 14. Neutral on the scale is 7. If a solution is less than 7, it is acidic. Solutions higher than 7 are alkaline.

Here’s why pH is important in skin care products. Skin needs to be slightly acidic in order to deal with environmental factors like bacteria and other toxins. Normal skin pH ranges from 4.5 – 5.5. The active pH of a product determines its ability to actually penetrate the skin. A product should be below the pH level of the skin (or less than 4.5) for maximum penetration. If it’s not, the product isn’t any more effective than using water.

To be a smart skin care buyer, it is important to know pH level of the products you are buying. This will help you to determine their effectiveness. Cleansers should have a pH level higher than 3.5 A cleanser with less than 3.5 will strip your skin and leave it irritated. The optimum level for AHAs is between 3.5 and 4. If it is more than 4, an AHA or glycolic acid solution will do little to exfoliate or promote cellular renewal. Products with a pH level of 4 or more act more like a moisturizer.

Those two little letters, pH,  can make a big difference in the effectiveness of a product. To get the best results from your skin care products look for products that are pH balanced. We have always formulated all Alpha Skin Care products with the proper pH. Our goal is to make affordable products that really work. At Alpha Skin Care, we want to help you to get the most from your skin care routine and proper pH is part of what you need to know.

For more information on Alpha Skin Care visit our website.

The Ways to Use AHAs

Alpha hydroxy acids or AHAs help to improve the appearance of skin in two ways;  moisturizing and exfoliating.  AHAs function differently based upon the pH level of the formulation. When used as a moisturizer, the pH level is higher than 4.0. At this level, AHAs help to increase the water content of skin making it softer, smoother and more flexible.  

Alternatively as an exfoliant, the most effective pH level is 4.0. This is the level where AHAs begin to dissolve the glue-like bonds that hold dead cells to the surface. This stimulates cellular renewal and regeneration and allows newer, fresher cells to emerge. Products with a pH level of 3.5 or below can be too irritating and may leave skin feeling dry and tight.

We live and breathe AHAs everyday, but most people do not realize the importance of the pH level in skin care formulas. AHAs are extremely effective ingredients, and we feel it is important to know how they function in a product. Products like Alpha Skin Care put the percentage of AHA and the pH level on the box, we’re proud of our product formulation and stand by our years in supporting your skin care regiment. Be a savvy consumer. Next time you are shopping for skin care products, be sure to look at the pH level. It will help you to know what products are best for you.

For more information on Alpha Skin Care visit our website.

AHAs – Nature’s Skin Care

What are Alpha Hydroxy Acids?

Alpha hydroxy acids are the corner-stone of Alpha Skin Care line of products. AHAs as they are commonly known, are naturally occurring acids derived from fruit, milk and nuts. Long ago, women took baths in sour milk to soften skin. Cleopatra was said to have used old wine on her face to keep her skin looking youthful, and again generations later with women in France being said to have washed their faces with old wine. In the more modern era, masks made with fruit and yogurt have been on shelves for a few decades. All of these are examples of alpha hydroxy acids being used to improve the look and feel of skin. Six primary sources of alpha hydroxy acids.

What do AHAs do?

Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) make skin softer, smoother and younger-looking. They help to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkle and even skin tone and texture.  AHAs improve the appearance of skin in two ways; as an exfoliant and as a moisturizer or humectant, both are essential to effective skin care.

AHAs exfoliate by gently loosening the glue-like bonds that hold dead skin cells to the surface of the skin. Exfoliation stimulates and accelerates cellular rejuvenation by tricking the skin into making new skin cells. Removing dead skin cells sends a message to the body that it needs to produce skin cells allowing newer, healthier cells to come to the surface. AHAs also help support collagen production making skin feel skin plump and firmer. Alpha hydroxy acids help skin look and feel fresh, renewed and glowing.

Getting rid of dead cells helps AHAs to also act as a humectant. Moisture penetrates the skin better and binds more moisture together for a longer period. Skin that is well hydrated and full of moisture is fuller, softer and more elastic. Lines and wrinkles are smoother and less noticeable.

In 1992, Alpha Skin Care (formerly known as Alpha Hydrox) was the first skin care manufacturer to make alpha hydroxy acid products available to all. 27 years later, millions of women have used our AHA products and now you know why as well. Alpha hydroxy acids are natural ingredients, readily available, safe to use and they really work. If you want softer, smoother, healthier, younger-looking skin, try Alpha Skin Care.

For more information on Alpha Skin Care visit our website.

Amp Up Your Moisturizers

At Alpha Skin Care, we know that living with a dry skin type can be scratchy and uncomfortable. This is why it’s so important to get the most out of facial moisturizer. Although important year-round, it is especially critical to pay extra attention in the winter when the dry air makes dry skin even worse. When choosing a facial moisturizer, one of the most important ingredients to look for when choosing a facial moisturizer is Hyaluronic Acid.


Hyaluronic acid can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water, making it extremely effective in helping skin retain moisture. Ever wonder why a baby’s skin is so soft, plump and dewy? Babies are born with high levels of hyaluronic acid in their skin.

How and when to apply a moisturizer is an important consideration in addition to knowing the best active ingredients. For best results, apply a moisturizer after using a toner or exfoliant when pores are open, clear and ready to receive maximum benefit from hydration. For those with exceptionally dry skin, use Alpha Skin Care Essential Facial Moisturizer with Hyaluronic Acid twice a day; morning and at night!

Alpha Skin Care formulates a full line of skin care products with naturally powerful ingredients that really work!

For more information on Alpha Skin Care visit our website.